Ben Pawluk headshot

Ben Pawluk - Honoured Hero

Victoria BC

Ben's cancer experience began at 17 years old, with the subtle discomfort of knee pain during lacrosse games, a nuisance he initially brushed off as typical of any athlete. But as weeks passed, the pain refused to relent, creeping into his daily life and disrupting even the simplest of activities. With the onset of dental issues, including loose teeth and difficulty eating, Ben became increasingly concerned. At first, he attributed it to teeth grinding and hoped it would resolve on its own. But, the pain in his knees escalated to the point of affecting his mobility, and he knew something more serious was happening.

Visits to doctors and specialists became routine, each accompanied by a barrage of tests in search of answers. The doctor's initial ruling out of cancer brought temporary relief, but the uncertainty lingered, casting a shadow of doubt over Ben's health.

Ultimately, a gum biopsy uncovered the unexpected diagnosis of Burkitt's Lymphoma, shattering the illusion of normalcy. Immediate action was taken, and Ben was airlifted to VGH to commence chemotherapy.

Life within the hospital walls was filled with challenges and was incredibly isolating. Initially hesitant to engage with his phone, Ben feared he would be reminded of how he was missing out on his "normal teenage life." But when Ben decided to turn on his notifications, messages of love and support flooded his phone.

Ben also relied heavily on his lacrosse coaches, Grant and Darren. Their consistent words of encouragement provided stability and hope even during the darkest days.

Although his friends and lacrosse teammates couldn't support him in person in the hospital, they were there for him in other ways - connecting with Ben virtually, sharing their lacrosse successes and engaging in fun banter about life on and off the field. Their unwavering presence was a constant reminder of the strength of their bond and the power of friendship.

As Ben gradually regained his health, the memory of his battle with cancer faded into the background, though its impact on his outlook remained profound. With newfound resilience and a deeper appreciation for life's fragility, he emerged from the experience with a renewed sense of purpose and gratitude.

Reflecting on his journey, Ben views his encounter with cancer as a mere hiccup in the grand scheme of life—a temporary obstacle that ultimately strengthened his determination to face whatever challenges lie ahead with grace and resilience. Ben has graciously agreed to share his story so that he can help other young adults who are going through a blood cancer know that they are not alone.